Nexalab MSP Sales Analytic

Integrate PSA and Business Inteligence Software, Drive Sales Success

The Power of Datto Autotask and Microsoft Power BI Combined! Integrating your Professional Services Automation (PSA) software, like Datto Autotask, with a powerful Business Intelligence (BI) platform like Microsoft Power BI is a must for modern MSPs.

Nexalab's Sales Analytics solution empowers MSPs to leverage this integration, transforming raw sales data into actionable insights that drive strategic decision-making and accelerate revenue growth.

Integrate PSA and Business

Is Your Sales Data Stuck in Silos?

Many MSPs struggle to gain meaningful insights from their sales data. Disconnected systems and limited reporting capabilities make it difficult to identify trends, optimise performance, and drive growth.

Nexalab Sales Analytics is the solution.

We integrate your PSA (like Datto Autotask) with powerful business intelligence platforms (like Microsoft Power BI) to create a centralised hub for all your sales data. This integration unlocks powerful insights, streamlines reporting, and empowers you to make data-driven decisions that enhance sales performance and boost revenue.

Introducing Sales Analytics

Introducing Sales Analytics

Sales Analytics integrates your Professional Services Automation software with the powerful data visualization capabilities of Business Intelligence platforms.
This integration provides a comprehensive, real-time view of your MSP's operations and sales performance, empowering you to make data-driven decisions and accelerate growth.

Datto Autotask and Power BI Integration

Our powerful Datto Autotask and Power BI integration empowers your MSP to make data-driven decisions and drive sales growth. Connect your vital sales data with advanced analytics, ensuring every decision is informed, strategic, and impactful. With a comprehensive view of your sales performance, you can identify trends, uncover opportunities, and optimise your strategy to achieve revenue goals.

Any PSA. Any BI platform. We Can Connect Them.

Interested in integrating other systems with your BI platform? While our Datto Autotask + Power BI integration is a popular choice, we understand that your specific needs may vary. Contact us to discuss how we can seamlessly integrate your preferred PSA or other data sources with your chosen business intelligence platform to unlock deeper insights and drive data-driven decision-making for your MSP.

PSA Data + BI Insights = Smarter Business Decisions

Make data-driven decisions and achieve sales excellence. Nexalab's Sales Analytics solution offers comprehensive integration of your PSA and BI platforms, providing the insights you need to optimise your sales strategies and accelerate revenue growth.

Simplifies Complex Data

We transform complex data sets from your Datto Autotask PSA into easy-to-understand visual formats like charts, graphs, and maps. This makes it easier to interpret large volumes of information at a glance, saving you time and effort.

Identifies Trends and Patterns

Visualising your sales data helps you spot trends, patterns, and outliers that might not be apparent in raw data. This enables you to make data-driven decisions that improve sales strategies and drive growth.

Enhances Communication

Easily share your sales insights with stakeholders, team members, or clients. Visual data is more engaging and easier to digest, facilitating clearer and more effective communication.

Helps Decision-Making

Visual representations of your sales data empower you to make informed decisions quickly and confidently. Compare performance across different periods, evaluate sales strategies, and forecast future outcomes with ease.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does Sales Analytics cost?

Sales Analytics is $99/month with a one-time setup fee of $2,000. However, this setup fee is a limited-time offer, so don’t miss out!

Will Sales Analytics work with my existing Datto Autotask data?

Absolutely! Sales Analytics integrates with your existing Datto Autotask data, transforming it into actionable insights.

How does Sales Analytics help my sales team?

Sales Analytics provides your team with the data they need to close deals faster, identify top-performing sales reps, and uncover new opportunities for growth.

I'm not using Datto Autotask or Microsoft Power BI. Can I still use Sales Analytics?

Yes, you can! Our integration capabilities extend beyond Datto Autotask. Contact us to discuss integrating your preferred PSA with any of your business intelligence platform tools.

Short Previews of the Product

Innovate. Integrate. Ignite!

Don't let valuable sales data go to waste. Transform your Datto Autotask data into actionable insights with Nexalab's Sales Analytics.